"Be The Best You Can Be"

See how we turned Rachel’s Videos she was filming at home into something beautiful, easy and fun!

The Brief
Make Beautiful Videos. Make the process easy. Have fun!
Creating videos for Youtube every week can be quite stressful (which is kinda the opposite of what Pilates is meant to be!) So! One of our main goals (as it is with everyone) was to remove the stress of creating videos and make it as seamless as possible.
How Did We Do It?
Understanding the key requirements and deliverables Rachel needed, Creating a process to streamline this so Rachel would only need to focus on what she does best (Pilates!). Always being there for her to run through any queries or bash heads together to come up with a creative idea! Constantly refining the process.
Keeping pricing simple so Rachel doesn’t worry about hidden costs or her outgoings changing from month to month.
On set, we’ll do some lighting magicianship (this is definitely a word!) to get the bright Pilates look for Rachel. We then get the cameras set up so in the unlikely event Rachel makes a mistake we can hide it and the audience will never know!
We aim to get 6-8 videos filmed per day depending on the length of each workout.
Throughout the day we’ll ensure everyone is topped up with Coffee, snacks and feel relaxed!

I really enjoy working with Super Llama, they understand my creative vision and help me translate that onto the screen. They have worked with me for two years now, shooting films for my YouTube Channel as well as creating my current title sequence. They are very creative and an absolute joy to work with.

The Results
Once Rachel has been filmed, the next thing she sees is the beautiful videos already uploaded and edited on her Youtube channel, thumbnails created and short Instagram videos delivered to her phone for her to upload when she’s ready. Simples!
We love talking about technical details and all the techy specs of our gear, but usually keep them to ourselves as sometimes people get bored. If you have any questions or would love to work with us, then, get in touch and we’d love to have a chat with you!