
Who Are We?

Video Production

We like to keep people warm okay!

The Brief

"Create a promotional video to welcome viewers to the Orion website. The video needs to show people all of our services and help users get a feel for what it's like to work with Orion"

How Did We Do It?

Firstly (as with all our projects) we spent time sitting down with Orion working out exactly what they were looking for in a video so that we can make the process as smooth as possible.

We needed to have 2 days of filming to capture everything for the video. The first day was spent filming the interviews and getting testimonials, then, the second day was spent getting "B-Roll" around Orion's different sites to show off their work.

For the interviews we tried to get multiple takes with different feels. Some of it was more scripted whilst other parts we asked Scarlett and Simon just to freestyle! This gave us more options in the edit to get the message across clearly.

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Our most recent promotional video was a great success across our social media platforms. Without the creativity, industry knowledge and communicative skills that the staff at Super Llama possess, this would not have been possible. Staff felt at ease during filmed interviews and they made the best out of every context/site we wanted to be filmed.

Orion Building Services

The Results

Once the first drafts had all been review and changes made the final video was launched via their social media channels. The video was a great success at helping people get more of an understanding of what they have to offer and a feel for their team.